
Lifestyles of Recovery

Lifestyles of Recovery

These guidelines are intended to be utilized by individuals in recovery, their families, and anyone else who is striving to avoid substance abuse and achieve sobriety.


  1. Recognizing that substance abuse ruins lives.

  2. Wanting to pursue positive alternatives to substance abuse such as our education, employment, quality relationships and health and fitness.

  3. Using resources such as friends, family, teachers, and peers as a way to achieve and remain sober. Adding sports, art, or music to these resources will help us stay focused and motivated.

  4. Defining balance and working toward making it a part of everyday life.

  5. Building self-esteem and confidence through sobriety to combat negative feelings regarding one’s self.

  6. Understanding that negative behaviors of isolation and self-pity lead to self-destruction.

  7. Lifting a person up is different than allowing them to continue their destructive lifestyles. Be there for yourself and be patient with your friends and family.

  8. Learning how to help without supporting the addict’s behavior. Providing assistance to the recovering individual that will improve their lives, not further their usage.

  9. Recognizing personal challenges and integrating them into our lifestyle as challenges to triumph over.

  10. Caring for our personal, emotional, physical, and spiritual individuality is the source we use for our sense of worth. Each person is truly magnificent.

“I can relate to Todd’s counseling methods because he has lived through the same thing I am. I see where his life is today and realize there is a life without drugs. I want it.”


Proven Solutions.

Creating Balance and Purpose through Positive Alternatives

Counseling Services.

Racing for Recovery™ provides the tools to understand why addiction has control over you and how you can overcome it. Pinpointing the trauma, predispositions, and other factors associated with addiction will arm you with the knowledge and power to change for the better.

Support groups.

Anyone affected by addiction is invited to join in the discussion at our weekly Racing for Recovery support group meetings. Topics of discussion include substance abuse issues, recovery, exercise, and leading a healthy and productive lifestyle.

Exercise Groups.

We offer a creative, holistic approach to life balance. Relieve stress through group workouts, yoga, soul core, chiropractic, and more. Create a healthy new lifestyle through positive alternatives. Ohio Medicaid is accepted for exercise services.


Every Thursday, 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST